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Morsetti e prese Dyna-Force Clamps

 (1 categoria prodotto)

Elenco Griglia

Dyna-Force Clamps

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These Dyna-Force Clamps are designed to secure, clamp, and hold objects in place. It gives a strong and dependable grip while still being simple to use and precise. The high clamping force enhances productivity and precision in industrial processes.

They have a low profile, compact shape, and smooth or serrated faces. The clamp moves at an angle to provide a positive downward clamping force - roughly 25% of the clamping force. To achieve exact alignment, the clamp-bearing surface is wire cut.

The clamp-bearing surface can be level with the clamping plate or elevated to allow for thorough drilling. It can be used in various industries, including manufacturing, metalworking, and automotive assembly.

  • It has a low profile, compact shape, and smooth or serrated faces.
  • Clamp-bearing surface can be level with the clamping plate or elevated to allow for thorough drilling.
  • Used in various industries, including manufacturing, metalworking, and automotive assembly.
Material: Stainless Steel

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