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LDPE Mit Gewinde Stopfen für Gasflaschenzylinder

 (2 Produktgruppen)

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Gas Cylinder Valve Plugs have been developed in partnership with major European gas companies. They create a tight seal. The distinctive vent cap allows gas to be released safely.

  • It protects industrial gas valves from the ingress of dust, dirt and other contaminants.
  • Its unique vent cap allows for the safe release of gas after accidental opening of the valve.
  • Used in gas storage, industrial and transportation applications.


LPG Plugs are designed for the LPG sector. It shuts LP gas cylinders, avoiding hazardous gas leaks. Used for secure, effective sealing, tamper-proofing, and shipping. Complies with LP Gas Association Code of Practise 15: Part 2.

  • Intended to give a wise and effective solution for closing LP Gas cylinders and preventing harmful gas leakage.
  • Complies with the LP Gas Association Code of Practise 15: Part 2
  • Used in industrial, automotive, and logistical applications.
Material: LDPE Farbe: Schwarz Seriennummer: SRF0078