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(7 Produktgruppen)
Compression springs, also known as coil springs, are designed to store energy when compressed and then release it when expanded. Their key qualities are their spring rate, which quantifies the force necessary to compress the spring a certain distance, and their solid height, the lowest height to which the spring can be crushed.
Key Factors to consider when choosing a spring for an application include Spring Material and the Working Environment, Spring Dimensions in both compressed and non-compressed states, Max. Load and Deflection.
It is available in both Music Wire material, which is ideal for temperatures between -30 C and +120 C and for use in dry environments, and stainless Steel material, which is ideal for temperatures between -200 C and +250 C and for use in both dry and humid or wet environments. Widely used across various industries to provide effects such as suspension, shock absorbtion and enabling push-to-open functionality. Material: Edelstahl, Carbonstahl Seriennummer:
Conical spring are helical compression springs with a design that allows for various spring rates while maintaining a compact size. They are designed to provide a nearly constant spring rate and a solid height lower than standard springs. They effectively absorb shock and prevent bending or buckling.
Their construction allows the smaller diameter coils to nest within the larger diameter coils when compressed, enabling the length of the spring to reduce to nearly one wire diameter in height.
Typically used when space efficiency is required by industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics and Industrial Machinery to provice Shock Absorption, Load Stabilization, Position Control and Vibration Dampening. Material: Edelstahl Seriennummer:
Die Springs are robust, heavy-duty Compression Springs designed to withstand high loads and stress, making them ideal for demanding industrial applications. Our Die Springs are colour coded based on load rating, which helps to correctly assemble applications with multiple different springs on it. Their wire is pulled extra fine, heat-treated, and shot-peened.
These Springs can tolerate severe pressures and temperatures between -200 C and +200 C while maintaining its shape after repeated compression. Typically used on applications that require consistent performance under high stress, such as Ejector Springs on Metal Stamping Dies, Shock Absorbers and Punch Presses on Machinery, as well as suspension systems. In high-demand situations, they provide constant force, deflection, and dependability. Material: Chromlegierter Stahl Farbe: Gelb, Rot, Blau, Grün Seriennummer:
Tellerfedern sind für Anwendungen mit sehr hohen Lasten auf kleinem Raum geeignet, sie sind ideal für schwierige Anwendungen. Tellerfedern werden oft eingesetzt, um Probleme mit Vibration, Wärmeausdehnung, Relaxation und Kriechdehnung von Bolzen zu lösen.
Extension springs are helical coil springs designed to absorb energy while resisting pulling forces. The further they are stretched, the more force is generate, making them ideal for bringing two components together.
Common applications include Throttle Turn Mechanisms in Automotive, Trampolines, Fitness Equipment and Vibration Dampening Systems.
It is available in both Music Wire material, which is ideal for temperatures between -30 C and +120 C and for use in dry environments, and stainless Steel material, which is ideal for temperatures between -200 C and +250 C and for use in both dry and humid or wet environments. Key Factors to consider when choosing a spring for an application include Spring Material and the Working Environment, Spring Dimensions in both extended and non-extended states. Material: Edelstahl, Carbonstahl Seriennummer:
Federscheibe, die so konzipiert ist, dass sie eine gleichmäßige Kraft über eine große Durchbiegungsspanne aufrechterhält. Sie kann mehrfach gestapelt werden und verteilt eine hohe Tragfähigkeit und nimmt gleichzeitig wenig Platz ein. Sie reagiert gut auf Druck-, Stoß-, Schlag- oder Vibrationsschwankungen. Material: Edelstahl, Stahl, Acetal, Carbonstahl Farbe: Natur, Weiß, Seriennummer:
Drehfedern sind ideal zum Speichern und Freisetzen von Energie oder um einen Druck über eine kurze Entfernung aufrecht zu erhalten. Sie sind mit Rechts- und Linksausrichtung und mit unterschiedlichen Schenkelwinklen erhältlich. Aus Edelstahl 302.
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