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(17 Produktgruppen)
Threaded Sealing Caps are designed for use with BSP and Gas Threads protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage and shipping. Features an interior neoprene rubber sealing disc that limits fluid leakage and reduces possible shear. Used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Threaded Sealing Caps are designed for use with UNF Threads. Protect threads and fittings from damage during production, storage and shipping. Features an interior neoprene rubber sealing disc that limits fluid leakage and reduces possible shear. Used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Threaded Sealing Caps designed are designed for use with Metric Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during production, storage and shipping. Features interior neoprene rubber sealing disc that limits fluid leakage and reduces possible shear. Used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Gas Cylinder Valve Plugs have been developed in partnership with major European gas companies. They create a tight seal. The distinctive vent cap allows gas to be released safely.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with BSP and Gas Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with UNF and JIC Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube. Can tolerate temperatures between -30C and +80C.
Threaded Protection Caps are designed for use with Metric Threads. Protects threads and fittings from damage during manufacturing, storage and transportation. The knurled head shape allows for easy installation and removal by hand, by simply twisting them on to the pipe or tube.
Threaded Protection Plugs designed for use on NPT Threads. Safeguards threads and fittings from damage and contaminants during production, storage and shipment. Can be installed by hand or using a 12-point socket head. Designed for strength and abrasion resistance. Can withstand temperatures from -40F up to 230F (-40C to 110C).
Threaded Protection Plugs designed for use on UNF Threads. Shield threads and fittings from damage and contaminants during production, storage and shipment. With fewer thread forms, they allow for quick application.
LPG Plugs are designed for the LPG sector. It shuts LP gas cylinders, avoiding hazardous gas leaks. Used for secure, effective sealing, tamper-proofing, and shipping. Complies with LP Gas Association Code of Practise 15: Part 2.
O-Ring-Gewindestopfen für BSP- und Gas-Gewinde verfügen über einen O-Ring, der eine wasserdichte Abdichtung und eine hervorragende Leckageprävention für Hydraulikgewinde bietet. Der O-Ring sorgt für eine dichte Abdichtung und verhindert so das Eindringen von Schmutz, Staub und Feuchtigkeit aus der Öffnung.
Diese Stopfen mit O-Ring sind für BSP- und Gas-Gewinde geeignet und können mit einem Schraubenschlüssel, Schraubendreher oder von Hand montiert werden.
Häufiger Einsatz in der Öl- und Gasindustrie, im Sanitärbereich sowie im Automobilsektor, wo auslaufsichere Abdichtungen von zentraler Bedeutung für die Systemintegrität sind.
O-Ring-Gewindestopfen für metrische Gewinde enthalten einen O-Ring, um eine wasserdichte Abdichtung für eine hervorragende Leckageprävention für hydraulische Gewindeanschlüsse zu gewährleisten. Sie sorgen für eine dichte Abdichtung und verhindern so das Eindringen von Schmutz, Staub und Feuchtigkeit.
Können mit einem Schraubenschlüssel, Schraubendreher oder von Hand montiert werden. Es sind metrische Gewinde mit zylindrischem Innen- und Außendurchmesser erhältlich, die in Millimetern angegeben sind. Der Feinkonus des metrischen konischen Gewindes ermöglicht die bestmögliche Kraftübertragung.Sie werden häufig bei Hydraulikarmaturen, in der Öl- und Gasindustrie, im Sanitärbereich und in der Automobilindustrie eingesetzt, wo auslaufsichere Dichtungen für die Systemintegrität entscheidend sind.
Rectangular Threaded Inserts are ideal for use with adjustable feet, tilt glides, and castors. Available in all-metal options or plastic inserts that feature a metal nut.
Gewindeeinsätze und Gleiter sind in einer Vielzahl von Optionen verfügbar. Einsätze werden in die Öffnung am Ende von Rohren eingeschoben und sorgen für ein sauberes und ordentliches Erscheinungsbild.
Round Threaded Inserts feature an internal thread for adjustable levelling feet and brackets. Their metal threads ensure a smooth, secure and durable fit, with two-piece mouldings that fit snugly into tubes.
Round Threaded Inserts are quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes, designed for secure screw fixing. Provides a stable and secure mounting point for various furniture and equipment components.
Spiral-wrapped Hose Protectors are intended to protect hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical hoses from crushing, wear, and abrasion. Features strong recovery memory to increase hose coverage and superior anti-crushing performance. Ideal for wrapping single or numerous hose bundles.
Threaded O-ring Plugs are designed for use on UNF Threads. Provides a watertight seal with a compressed flange lip, and optional O-ring. Ensures superior leak prevention for hydraulic threads. Ideal for flat-faced hydraulic fittings. Can withstand temperatures from -40F up to 230F (-40C to 110C).
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