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Rund Kautschuk Hochtemperatur-Maskierungsstopfen

 (5 Produktgruppen)

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Konische Stopfen mit Griff

Covered Tapered Plugs have convex edges that guarantee a secure fit. Features a push-fit design that makes it simple to use and remove. Used for pipes, blind holes and furniture.

  • Designed to ensure a secure fit due to their convex sides.
  • It protects against contaminants, debris, and damage.
  • Reusable due to the material and without affecting the effectiveness of the sealing.
Material: Silikon Farbe: Grau, Gelb, Grün, Weiß, Rot, Schwarz, Pink, Lila, Blau, Transparent Seriennummer: SR5751

Konische Hochtemperatur-Stopfen

High-temperature Tapered Plugs protect and mask components during painting, sandblasting, abrasive chemical processing, and during exposure to high temperatures (of up to +218ºC for EPDM parts and 316C for silicone parts). The tapered form allows the plug to expand and adapt to the contour of the hole, as it heats.

  • Available as a solid plug or with a hollow core to aid in the compression to fit threaded or unthreaded holes.
  • These reusable plugs come in a premium high temp silicone material or an economical reduced temp EPDM material.
  • Used in chemical, machining applications and industrial equipment.
Material: EPDM, Silikon, TPG Farbe: Schwarz, Natur, Gelb, Blau, Grün, Lila, Orange, Pink, Rot Seriennummer: SR1089, SR1045, SR1179, SR1176, SR1499, SR1498, SRF0072

Flanschlose Maskierungsstopfen

Masking Flangeless Plugs are designed to cover holes without masking the surrounding area, protecting against contaminants. Featuring conical rings and a hollow core, these plugs can mask multiple areas at once.

  • Used to cover holes without masking the surrounding area.
  • The pull tab makes them simple to install and remove, allowing for smooth insertion and a snug fit that eliminates unwanted leaks or seepage.
  • Used in multiple applications, such as powder coating, painting, plating, and sealing.
Material: EPDM, Silikon, TPE, PVC Farbe: Schwarz, Natur, Blau, Grün, Lila, Orange, Gelb, Pink, Rot Seriennummer: SR1090, SR1093, SR5748, SR1034


Masking pull plugs are used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes, offering resistance to chemicals. The pull tab makes them easy to install and remove, ensuring a secure fit that prevents leaks or seepage. The reusable material allows for multiple uses, reducing the need for frequent replacements and helping minimize waste. Cn withstand temperatures of up to 250C.

  • Used to mask threaded and non-threaded holes.
  • The pull tab simplifies installation and removal, allowing for smooth insertion and a secure fit.
  • Used in powder coating, sealing, automotive assembly, and electronics production.
Material: EPDM, Silikon, Silikonkautschuk Farbe: Schwarz, Transparent, Natur, Rot, Grau, Weiß, Lila, Grün, Pink, Orange, Gelb, Blau Seriennummer: SR1094, SR1057, SR6118, SR6117, SRF0060, SR5750, SR5749, SR5752, SR1028

Zugstopfen für Schweißmuttern

Masking Weld Nuts are designed to cover and protect threaded and unthreaded weld nuts. It has a pull-tab and teeth that hold the thread. Can endure temperatures as high as +250C.

Schweißmuttern haben ein Gewinde, und es ist wichtig, dass dieses Gewinde nicht pulverbeschichtet oder oberflächenbehandelt wird. Unser Sortiment an Maskierungszugstopfen wurde speziell zum Maskieren von Durchgangsbohrungen mit und ohne Gewinde entwickelt und eignet sich ideal zum Maskieren von Schweißmuttern.

  • Die Zuglasche ermöglicht ein schnelles und einfaches Entfernen.
  • Der Lamellen des Stopfens bieten Griffigkeit am Gewinde und sorgen somit für einen guten Sitz, der die Maskierungsbaugruppe sicher hält.
Material: Silikon Farbe: Rot, Blau, Gelb, Schwarz Seriennummer: SRF0061