Valikko Haku
Pyydä tarjous

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Säädettävä Ruostumaton teräs Avaimellinen Saranoidut ja taitettavat kahvat

 (1 Tuote)

Luettelo Taulukko

Kahvalliset salpalukot - säädettävät

Handle Turn Cam Latches - Adjustable used for electronic panels, doors, cabinets and other similar installations.

These latches offer exceptional durability and security making them the ideal choice for industrial, commercial, and high-stakes environments. These latches are quick and easy to install. They are perfect for situations requiring lightweight access and can be put on doors of any thickness.

Its handle is removable therefore not mandatory, and when not in use the lock can be opened with a 9mm triangular key.

  • Colour: Natural