Valikko Haku
Pyydä tarjous

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Ruostumaton teräs Kierteinen Lukkoaluslevyt

 (2 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Kierretangot ja -tapit

Kierretangot ja -tapit sopivat erinomaisesti kohteisiin, joissa ruuvin kantaa ei tarvita tai missä tilaa on vähän. Ne asennetaan kokonaan materiaalin sisään.

Sarjanumero: SR1985

Lukitusaluslevyt - ulkoinen

External Tooth Lock Washers have been developed for locking screws, bolts and nuts in place, and offer ideal prevention for the loosening of PCB spacers caused by vibrations.The Tooth Lock Washer, also known as an Electrical Contact Washer, has tooth-like serrations on the external diameter that help the toothed washer prevent bolted joints from loosening, through the use of friction.

Our stainless steel toothed washers offer good corrosion and wear resistance. The zinc plated external tooth washer option, is ideal for applications where a high mechanical strength is needed. The lower material cost makes it an alternative to brass, when conductivity is not a critical issue.

Material: Stainless Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, SteelColour: Natural, WhiteDIN 85