Valikko Haku
Pyydä tarjous

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Avoin reikä Kitkasaranat Säätöasento

 (2 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Kaksiakselinen vääntösarana

These Dual Axis Torque Hinges are made from Stainless Steel and are ideal for use as pivoting monitor mounts. The fixed torque value allows the hinge to swivel in a smooth and controlled fashion in either direction.

Valmiiksi asennettu sarana 30 asteen välein

Detent Hinges are Torque Hinges indented every 30 degrees allowing panels to be positioned and maintained withough auxiliary components. The torque is factory preset and cannot be modified by users. Made of Anodised Aluminiumm, a choice of finish is available for aesthetic appeal. Several torque values are available.