Valikko Haku
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Metalli Kaapin teräslukko Nostosaranat

 (4 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Huonekalulukot - uppoasennetut kaappilukot

These furniture locks, also known as cabinet locks or cupboard locks, are intended to offer security and privacy. The locks are designed to be used with our rods (available separately) to give 2-point locking.

It lies flush with the metal lockers's surface, giving it a clean and inconspicuous appearance. This flush design not only improves the appearance of the furniture but also prevents the lock from snagging on garments or inflicting unintended damage.

Cupboard locks are simple to install by pressing them into the cut out hole; the clip-on body makes installation easier, and they are available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ cylinder choices. Commonly used in metal lockers and other storage units.

  • Used to offer security and privacy.
  • Available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ.
  • It designed to be used with our rods to give 2-point locking.
Materiaali: Sinkkiseos Series Code:

Metalliset sarjanostosaranat

Metalliset sarjanostosaranat ovat sivusaranoita, jotka on helppo irrottaa asennetuista ovista. Saranan kääntökulma on 180 astetta, ja niitä voidaan käyttää vasen- ja oikeakätisissä ovissa.

Metalliset ulkonevat nostosaranat

These Lift Off Hinges have a 180-degree rotation angle and are designed to provide clearance between the door and the frame, allowing the door to be easily lifted off the hinge pin.

Consist of two leaves and one pin, which are sold separately. One leaf is attached to the door and the other to the frame by a hinge pin that may be taken out of the hinge. They have a strong construction, which ensures their longevity in severe industrial conditions.

May be easily removed by lifting the pin out of the hinge. Ideal for metal doors in enclosures, gates, and tool cabinets. Please use the same material for each pin & leaves you use together.

  • It has a 180-degree rotation angle and provides clearance between the door and the frame.
  • Consists of two leaves and one pin, which are sold separately.
  • Ideal for metal doors in enclosures, gates, and tool cabinets.
Materiaali: Samakki, Teräs, Ruostumaton teräs, Ruiskuvalettu sinkkiseos, Sinkkiseos Väri: Musta, Väritön, Harmaa, , Kromi Sarjanumero:

Ruuvikiinnitteinen nostosarana

Ruuvilla kiinnitettävät nostosaranat tarjoavat helpon toiminnon uppoasennettujen ovien irrottamiseksi nostamalla. Valikoimassa on erilaisia materiaaleja moniin käyttö- ja viimeistelyvaatimuksiin. Saranan kääntökulma on 180 astetta, ja niitä voidaan käyttää vasen- ja oikeakätisissä ovissa. Lehtisaranassa on reiät, jotta ne voi ruuvata kiinni kehykseen.