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Polypropeeni Putkenpäät Painettavat niitit

 (2 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Painettavat - painettavat kiinnikkeet

Push In Fasteners are an easy to use and quick fastening solution that is ideal for neatly, and securely joining two parts together. Our range is made from Natural Nylon 6/6 and Polypropylene (PP).

Nylon is a strong, tough and durable material often used for connecting elements and other technical components. They provide an inexpensive, fast, and convenient method to join plastic, light sheet metal, insulating materials, circuit boards, or any other thin, lightweight material. Push In Fasteners have specially designed legs that provide compression and expansion, helping to lock the fastener into pre-punched holes. They also have large heads for much easier assembly, and can be reused - making them an economical choice for your application.

This range lock into pre-punched panels. The effective design, as well as the materials used to produce them offers vibration, abrasion and corrosion resistance.

UL94 V2 flame rated options

Series Code :SR1968

Sarjanumero: SR1968

Pyöreät päätysuojat - vakio

Standard Round End Caps keep out dirt and other contaminants from threaded and non-threaded tubes, pipes and rods. Available in standard, short or long form, depending on the intended use. Can resist temperatures of up to 70C.

  • Tarjolla on vakiomallisia, lyhyitä ja pitkiä suojia.
  • Sopivat erinomaisesti letkujen, putkien ja tankojen suojaamiseen.
  • Se auttaa estämään tahattoman siirtymisen.
Materiaali: LDPE Väri: Väritön Sarjanumero: SR5763