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Muovi Kuituohjaimet Reunasuojat

 (3 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko


These Fibre Guides, also known as optical or fibre optic guides, can accommodate many low-profile fibre reels for spooling surplus fibre onto a PCB board. It is an entirely modular, adaptable system that provides fibre optic cable management, support, and protection. The guide may be angled in all planes thanks to a unique spine.

Fibre may enter and depart at any point without snagging or kinking, minimising excessive bending or tension that might result in signal loss or cable damage. Angled and straight lugs along the guide keep the fibre from jumping out.

Stacking pillars and standoffs are also available, which may be utilised to stack numerous reels for compact spooling of many fibre lines. Simple to install in three different methods, using their adhesive pad, snap fitting it, or screwing it, all of which aid in keeping components in place. Widely used in telecommunications, data centres, networking infrastructure and other industries.


Reunasuojat voidaan leikata halutun pituisiksi ja asettaa paneelin aukon tai paneelin reunojen ympärille. Saatavilla on erilaisia pakkausvaihtoehtoja ja materiaaleja.

Sarjanumero: SR1712

Upotetut putkisuojat

Recessed Pipe Caps protect pipe bevel edges, and interior walls from corrosion and damage. Can be used with crane hooks to move pipes during storage and transit. Resistant to temperatures ranging from -30C up to +60C.

  • Upotetut korkit suojaavat putkien särmät ja sisäseinämät korroosiolta ja vaurioilta. ‌Niihin voi kiinnittää nosturin koukun varastointia, kuljetusta ja asennusta varten
  • Se sopii lukuisiin DIN-putkispesifikaatioihin: alkaen DN 150enintään DN 1000.
Materiaali: LDPE, PE Väri: Musta, Keltainen Sarjanumero: SR1370, SR1371