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DIN Kiinnitetty Nuppikäyttöinen

 (7 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Kahvalliset salpalukot - minisiipinuppi

Mini Cam Latches are Wing Knob designed and secure access to your panels and doors with a rotating cam (pawl) that is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side.

The cam latch provides easy fixing and has a clip assembly.

  • Colour: Black, , Chrome, Natural, Silver

Series Code :SR5529

Sarjanumero: SR5529

Kahvalliset salpalukot - T-kahva

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.

The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ, Keyed CH751, Keyed J327 and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design

Series Code :SR5518

Sarjanumero: SR5518

Kompressiosalvat - säädettävä/siipinuppi

Compression Latches with a Wing Knob design are ideal for applications that require better sealing under vibration conditions. They are commonly used for cabinets and access panels in manufacturing environments.

Our range features adjustable and fixed latches that are locking or non-locking. Where the latch is locking, two keys are supplied with every lock. The adjustable latches have a quarter turn cam operation. Cams are sold separately.

These latches can be used for both left-hand and right-hand applications. Features 6mm of pre-set compression for improved noise isolation.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy with Rubber gasket
  • Finish: Black Powder Coated
  • DIN-EN 1774 Rated
  • RoHS Compliant
  • IP65 Standard

Kulmasaranat – kiinteä tappi

Ulkopuoliset metalliset kulmasaranat sopivat koneen suojiin ja sähköpaneeleihin. Niille on tarjolla eri profiileja ja kokoja, ja ne voidaan asentaa joko tapilla tai ruuveilla.

Kääntöniitit - siipinuppi

Quarter Turn Latch with Wing Knobs are designed to secure doors, cabinets, enclosures, and other access points. They are operated by twisting the knob 90 degrees, which causes the latch to engage or disengage, making them ideal for applications requiring frequent opening and shutting. Each lock comes with an outer sealing gasket and an assembly nut.

It is made to be easy and quick to install by inserting it into the installation hole and tightening the nut. The range of products includes various materials, finishes, and grip ranges that are utilised in various applications, such as electrical enclosures, furniture cabinets, and equipment covers.

  • Material: PA and Die Cast Zinc Alloy
  • Finishes: Chrome Plate and Black Powder Coating

Series Code :SR5522

Sarjanumero: SR5522

Kääntöniitit - riippulukkomallit siipinupilla

Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges

Paksun oven neljänneskierrossalvat – siipinuppi

Siipinupilla varustettuja kääntöniitit on saatavilla erityispitkällä kotelolla. Ne sopivat erinomaisesti äänieristettyihin ja eristettyihin oviin, ja niiden mukana toimitetaan tiivistystä parantava kumitiiviste. Niitä on saatavilla kromi- tai mustalla jauhepinnoitteella, ne on valmistettu painevaletusta sinkistä, ja tarjolla on erilaisia kahvoja

Sarjanumero: SR5523