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Muovi Paneelin lukitusjärjestelmät

 (4 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko


Panel Catches are mounted onto cabinet doors or access panels and work with a striker to keep them closed tightly. These panel catches have an audible lock and release and are effective latching devices for enclosures.


Panel Clamps are compatible with right or left hand doors and best suited for heating and ventilation panels. These bridge clamps are made of nylon with steel screw in symmetrical or asymmetrical styles.

Paneelien vastakappaleet

Paneelin vastaraudat asennetaan kaapin oveen tai huoltoluukkuun, ja haka pitää ne tiukasti kiinni. Näiden paneelin vastarautojen lukitseminen ja avaaminen synnyttää äänen, ja niillä voi sulkea koteloita tehokkaasti.

Sarjanumero: SR5075

Sisään napsautettavat salvat - tapit

An array of Metal & Plastic Catch & Strikers are available in the hardware range. Different material options are available with Strikers made in Natural POM, Plated Steel, and Nylon and Catches made in variations of Nylon. The striker is mounted with the striker base and screwed into the door or mounted to the outside of a removable panel. The catch is designed for mounting either in wood cabinets or into a panel