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Műanyag Csúszásgátló O-gyűrű tömítések

 (2 Termékek)

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Felcsavarozható ütközőtalpak

A felcsavarozható süllyesztett ütközők használhatók kis berendezések és egyéb kiskereskedelmi termékek talpának. Ezek a lábak külön csavarral, anyával vagy szegeccsel rögzülnek a szerelvényhez, és karcálló anyagból készülnek, hogy védjék a felületeket.

Ring Seal Clamps

This range of Lipped and Un-lipped hygienic Ring Seal Clamps are the latest advancement in contamination detection and containment, thus helping reduce product loss and increase productivity. This unique range of metal detectable elastomer compounds has been developed specially, to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical and food processing industries.

Fragments as small as 2 to 3 millimetres can be easily identified by in-line metal detection equipment that are used to detect products contaminated by process lines. Typical applications include static sealing applications for food processing equipment and pharmaceutical drug manufacturing equipment in the bioscience industry.

These ring seal clamps have excellent mechanical properties and sealing efficiency. They feature a blue seal to assist easy identification. They are free from animal derived ingredients.

  • Materials: FKM, EPDM, VMQ
  • Colours: Blue, Black
  • FDA-compliant

Series Code: SRV0054, SRV0053, SRV0052, SRV0048, SRV0047, SRV0046