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pryž Kroužky těsnicí

 (7 Počet produktových řad)

Seznam Mřížka

D-kroužky a sady D-kroužků

Metric D-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • It creates a secure seal in static and dynamic applications.
  • It provides stability preventing the seal from twisting or rolling during operation or installation.
  • It is simple to place in a machined groove, where the D-ring's flat edge offers stability.
Materiál: pryž nitrilová NBR Barva: černá Produktová řada: SR6159, SRV0071

Kroužky USIT

Samostředné kroužky USIT se běžně používají jako těsnění proti úniku hydraulických kapalin a mazacích olejů. Jsou ideálním řešením pro údržbu, opravy a do provozu.

Kroužky USIT se většinou používají se šrouby. Podložka je vyrobena z oceli a zahrnuje těsnicí o-kroužek, který zapadne do vnitřního průměru podložky. Tato podložka s těsněním zajistí vodotěsnou montáž.

Zákazníci mají možnost zakoupit si sadu, která obsahuje různé velikosti odpovídající metrickým nebo BSP závitům.

  • Materiál podložky: ocel nízkouhlíková
  • Materiál těsnění: pryž nitrilová (NBR 80)
  • Barva těsnění: černá

O-kroužky a jejich sady - palcové

Imperial O-rings and Kit are used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Prevents fluid from entering and gas leaks.
  • Available imperial O-rings, metric O-rings, European metric O-rings, and O-ring face seals (ORFS).
  • For use in static and dynamic applications.
Materiál: FPM 75, pryž nitrilová NBR 70 Barva: černá Produktová řada: SRV0057, SRV0056, SRV0058, SR6150

O-kroužky těsnicí – metrické

Pro použití v hydraulických a pneumatických aplikacích je k dispozici široký sortiment O-kroužků a jejich sad v metrických i evropských metrických rozměrech.

Series Code: SR6159

O-kroužky a jejich sady - metrické

Metric O-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.

  • Prevents fluid from entering and gas leaks.
  • Available imperial O-rings, metric O-rings, European metric O-rings, and O-ring face seals (ORFS).
  • These kits are wrapped to preserve the seals from damage during storage or transit.
Materiál: FPM 75, pryž nitrilová NBR 70 Barva: černá Produktová řada: SRV0064, SR6152, SRV0063, SRV0062

Sada pro výrobu O-kroužků

O-Ring Cords and Splicing Kit is intended to decrease the need for huge numbers of O-rings. Comprises of a measuring tape, cutting block, adhesive bottle, retractable knife and a cable with the proper width and length. It prevents fluid and gas leaks.

  • It includes a measuring tape, a cutting block, an adhesive bottle, a retractable knife, and a cord.
  • It is suitable for sealing any customised application and preventing leaks or fluids.
  • Used in various hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, fluid power systems, automotive, manufacturing or oil and gas.
Materiál: pryž nitrilová NBR Barva: černá Produktová řada: SR6153, SRV0072

Ring Seal Clamps

This range of Lipped and Un-lipped hygienic Ring Seal Clamps are the latest advancement in contamination detection and containment, thus helping reduce product loss and increase productivity. This unique range of metal detectable elastomer compounds has been developed specially, to meet the stringent demands of the pharmaceutical and food processing industries.

Fragments as small as 2 to 3 millimetres can be easily identified by in-line metal detection equipment that are used to detect products contaminated by process lines. Typical applications include static sealing applications for food processing equipment and pharmaceutical drug manufacturing equipment in the bioscience industry.

These ring seal clamps have excellent mechanical properties and sealing efficiency. They feature a blue seal to assist easy identification. They are free from animal derived ingredients.

  • Materials: FKM, EPDM, VMQ
  • Colours: Blue, Black
  • FDA-compliant

Series Code: SRV0054, SRV0053, SRV0052, SRV0048, SRV0047, SRV0046