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(8 Počet produktových řad)
Standard Round Feet Ferrules protect tube ends, chair bottoms and other light or heavy-duty applications. Offers protection against wear and tear from grasp and slip, and scratch resistance. Provides a secure grip. Simple to install by placing it by hand on to the end of the application.
Square Feet Ferrules are intended to add stability, floor protection and a polished appearance to equipment. Covers sharp tube edges and square legs, providing them with impact and wear resistance. They are adaptable, allowing for easy application.
Standard Flexible End Caps are compatible with Metric, BSP and UNF threads. Guards against dust and moisture. Applied on the ends of pipes, tubes, and fittings.
Garden Cane Caps with a cross head pattern are typically applied to the tips of garden canes and other pointed stick or pole applications. They are weather-resistant and help prevent harmful injuries to users. Designed to accommodate a variety of diameters.
Užitečná krytka s designem křížové hlavy, která se běžně používá na špičku zahradních holí, kovových tyčí a jiných holí.
End Tips protect the exposed ends of rods and tubes, while providing a neat appearance. The simple push-fit design allows for quick and easy installation.
Ukončovací krytky mají všestranné využití.
Round Ball Caps have excellent strength and a solid press fit to improve the leg design. Ideal for furniture; it guards against damage, while acting as an aesthetically pleasing top or end.
Round Hanger Caps protect the outer diameters of threaded and non-threaded tubes and rods, preventing unintentional displacement. Feature an attractive finish and have excellent weather resistance.
Square End Caps protect tubular items, while providing an appealing and shiny finish. The flexible material allows it to fit snugly and smoothly, resulting in a tight and secure fit.
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