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Klaff- och dörrhållare

 (4 Produktserier)

Lockspärrar används på koffertar, verktygslådor och andra förvaringsanordningar där locket måste förbli öppet utan att man måste hålla det med händerna. De här lockstöden förhindrar också att locket öppnas för långt och hjälper till att begränsa belastningen på gångjärnen, skada på anordningen och förhindrar att locket träffar människor eller föremål som uppehåller sig bakom anordningen när den öppnas.
Lista Rutnät

Dörrhållare – Extra kraftiga

Dessa dörrhållare syftar till att ge stora dörrar konsistent stöd och kontrollerad rörelse i en mängd olika tillämpningar. Kan bära upp tunga laster och förblir stabila och lättanvänd.

Kan öppnas till maximalt 90 när de placeras med trådutlösare och har en total öppning på 100 vid användning utan trådutlösaren. Finns i både vänster- och högerutförande, med och utan vajerfrigöring.

Lätt att placera med vanliga verktyg. Används ofta i robusta tillämpningar, exempelvis ytterdörrar, industriella miljöer, nödutgångar eller dörrar i områden med hög trafik.

  • Ger stora dörrar konsekvent stöd och kontrollerad rörelse.
  • Kan öppnas till maximalt 90 när de placeras med trådutlösare och har en total öppning på 100 .
  • Används i robusta tillämpningar, såsom ytterdörrar, industriella miljöer eller nödutgångar.
Material: 304 Rostfritt stål Serienummer: SRN2200


This category contains both Door Stops and Stop Locks. Door Stops keep doors from swinging or shutting on their own. It might take the place of cover stays. It provides a secure option for keeping your enclosure accessible for maintenance and exceptional shock absorption properties when the door meets the cabinet frame.

Stop Locks are lightweight stops with good stability that are not exposed to dynamic loads and are not suitable for medium to heavy-duty applications. The lever's locking position varies every 90, fits tightly together, and is resistant to vibrations.

They are well-suited for corrosion-resistant external enclosures, generators, compressors, and industrial enclosures.

  • Door Stops have exceptional shock absorption properties.
  • Stop Locks are used for light-weight applications not exposed to dynamic loads.
  • Used for external enclosures, generators, compressors, and industrial enclosures.
Material: NBR, Stål, Pressgjuten zinkFärg: Svart, RödMaterialets flamsäkerhetsklass: Series Code:

Fällbara lockstöd

These Telescopic Stays, are used in various applications to support and control the movement of lids. These lids provide stability, safety, and convenience by firmly holding lids in up to ten different positions.

It is an excellent, low-cost alternative to a gas strut when positional control is required, and the mass of the item to be held is modest, as it can sustain up to 135 kg. Ideal for various applications in which weight must be maintained or supported at varying angles.Prevents the lid from shutting accidentally due to wind outside, draft inside or from an uneven installation. It can be used for safety opening upwards as a hatch, as well as a door for lateral movement.

It is simple to install and requires little upkeep. It works by extending the arm until it locks into the desired position. Close by either fully extending the stay before returning it to the closed position (basic models) or slightly extending and closing (reversible model). All of this has a lifespan of 20,000 locks. Commonly used for applications such as electrical boxes, machinery covers, or other industrial applications.

  • It can sustain up to 135 kg.
  • Up to 10 adjustment positions.
  • It has a lifespan of 20,000 lock movements.
Material: Stål, Rostfritt stål, KolstålFärg: , SilverMaterialets flamsäkerhetsklass: Series Code:

Vikbara lockstöd för 90-graders montering

These Lid Stays are used to support and restrict the movement of lids. These lid stays are meant to keep the lid open at a 90-degree angle, allowing for easy access and preventing the lid from shutting accidentally due to wind outside, draft inside or from an uneven installation. When the lid is closed, the folding characteristic enables compact storage, making them excellent for space-saving applications.

The primary function is stability and safety when accessing storage unit contents. When the lid is open, the lid stay keeps it firmly in place, preventing it from slamming shut and potentially injuring or damaging the user. This function is convenient when the lid must remain open for an extended time, such as while loading or unloading things from a storage chest. It can be used for safety opening upwards as a hatch, as well as a door for lateral movement.

It guarantees durability and strength. It is available in both left and right-hand models and universal mounting versions. It is a less expensive alternative to gas springs and is simple to install and adjust by simply screwing it into position. Typically used in industrial applications.

  • It is meant to keep the lid open at a 90-degree angle, allowing for easy access and preventing the lid from shutting accidentally.
  • Available in universal, left or right-handed versions.
  • It is a less expensive alternative to gas springs.
Material: Zinkpläterat stål, Rostfritt stål Färg: Naturfärgad Series Code: