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Imukupit Piilosaranat

 (10 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

Kaksipuoliset imukupit

Double Sided Suction Caps that have a flat, circular design with a suction cup on each side which securely holds, separates and cushions two parallel surfaces.

The design joins clean, flat surfaces without requiring a mounting hole or other fastener.

Ideal for mounting self-hanging displays, which contain a double suction cup. It is sometimes used as a stabiliser for glass table tops.

  • Material:Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour:Clear

Piilosaranat - hitsattavat

Ruuvien ja hitsattujen piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne tarjoavat kaksiosaisen kiinnitysratkaisun, jossa kehysosa on ruuvattu ja oviosa on kiinnitetty mutterilla oven hitsattuun nastaan. Tapin käyttö mahdollistaa oven nostamisen pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Ne sopivat sekä oikea- että vasenkätisille.

Sarjanumero: SR5545

Piilosaranat - irrotettavat

Piilosaranat, joissa vasen- ja oikeakätinen käyttö on mahdollista. Sopii erinomaisesti koteloihin ja koneen suojuksiin. Saatavana eri tyyppejä joko sinkittyä terästä tai ruostumatonta terästä AISI 304.

Sarjanumero: SR5510

Piilosaranat - ruuvattavat

Ruuvien ja piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne kiinnitetään ruuveilla, ja niiden irrotettava tappi mahdollistaa oven nostamisen kehyksestä pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Tarjolla on useita materiaaleja ja kiertokulmia eri käyttökohteisiin.

Sarjanumero: SR5468

Yksipuoliset imukupit - huuli

Lip Single Sided Suction Cup is easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass. It is an ideal solution for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and retail merchandising.

They consist of a flexible, suction cup with a lip on the back side that allows them to be easily mounted onto a variety of objects.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Clear

Yksipuoliset imukupit - koukku

Single Sided Suction Cup is easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass.

It features an attached metal or plastic hook making it ideal for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and merchandising in retail outlets.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polypropylene (PP)
  • Colour: Clear, Black, White

Yksipuoliset imukupit - nasta

Thumb Tack Single Sided Suction Cup is easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass. It is an ideal solution for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and retail merchandising.

The thumb tack on the suction cup's back side is intended to add another point of stability by enabling the suction cup to be firmly driven into a surface, resulting in a more stable grasp.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Clear

Yksipuoliset imukupit - painokiinnitys

Single Sided Suction Cup are easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass. It is an ideal solution for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and retail merchandising.

This suction cup uses a push fit fixing method designed to be easily inserted into a mounting hole or socket on an object, creating a secure and stable fixing.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Clear

Yksipuoliset imukupit - reikä

Hole Single Sided Suction Cup is easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass. It is an ideal solution for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and retail merchandising.

The hole on the back side of the suction cup is designed to fit securely onto a mounting bracket or object, creating a stable and secure attachment.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Clear, White, Red, and Black

Yksipuoliset imukupit - ura

Groove Single Sided Suction Cups are easy to attach to clean, flat surfaces such as glass. It is an ideal solution for mounting self-hanging displays, signage and retail merchandising.

The groove on the back of the suction cup is designed to fit securely into a bracket or mounting object, creating a stable and secure hold.

They are a practical and cost effective solution for creating a temporary hold on smooth, non-porous surfaces.

  • Material: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
  • Colour: Black, Clear, and White