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IP rated Ruostumaton teräs

 (11 Tuotteet)

Luettelo Taulukko

90 lukko

Tämä 90 lukko on tärinänkestävä ja sopii sekä vasen- että oikeakätisille. Lukko aukeaa vain työntämällä ja kiertämällä ohjainta avaimella. Tässä 90 lukkovalikoimassa on erilaisia pinnoitteita ja ohjaimia, jotka sopivat moniin käyttökohteisiin. Sitä voi käyttää 16,5 x 19,0 mm aukoissa.

Sarjanumero: SR5007

90 lukot - helppo kiinnitys

The Easy Fixing Quarter Turn Lock is easily fitted into a 20.2 x 22.2 mm cut out and secured with the help of a clip. It is suitable for left and right hand. The internal spring provides a 1.5 mm torsion and it can be used for panel thickness from 0.8 to 2.0 mm.

Aukollinen peitetulppa

Vent Plugs are designed to seal openings, while allowing controlled ventilation. Ideal for use in applications where pressure or temperature variations occur, such as in the automotive, electronics and manufacturing industries. These plugs offer a secure fit to prevent air, moisture and contaminants from entering or escaping. Has an integrated venting feature that makes them essential for pressure equalisation and temperature control.

  • Tarjoaa luotettavan ratkaisun aukkojen sulkemiseen ja ilmavirran säätelyyn.
  • Integroidut tuuletusominaisuudet mahdollistavat hallitun ilmanvaihdon säilyttäen samalla luotettavan tiivisteen.
Materiaali: Ruostumaton teräs, PA Väri: Väritön, Valkoinen, Musta, Harmaa, Messinki Materiaalin syttyvyysstandardi: UL94 V-2Sarjanumero: SR6260, SR1708, SR1868, SR1866

Kaapeliläpiviennit - suora/messinki

These Cable Gland Straight /Brass are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure their longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification and comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR exterior sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, energy, and industrial manufacturing. Locknuts and sealing washer available separately.

  • Material: Brass, PA, Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural, Black, Silver Grey, Dark Grey
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Series Code :SR1717

Sarjanumero: SR1717

Kaapeliläpiviennit - suora/nailon

These Cable Gland Straight /Nylon are used in various applications to fasten and seal electrical cables. These cable glands' outstanding material strength and corrosion resistance ensure longevity and endurance. For smaller sizes, no sealing washer is required to fulfil IP68 certification, and it comes with a TPE inner sealing gland and a CR/ NBR outer sealing gland. Remove the inner sealing gland for larger cable diameters.

These cable glands are designed to keep moisture, dust, and other impurities from your cables and electrical connections. It is also durable, easy to install, and lightweight, making it an excellent choice for weight issues. It can withstand temperatures from -20 C to 100 C. Used in various applications, including telecommunications, automotive, and construction. Locknut and sealing washers are available separately.

  • Material: Nylon, PA
  • Colour: Black, Blue, Grey, White, Red
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-0, UL94 V-2

Series Code :SR1704

Sarjanumero: SR1704

Kahvalliset salpalukot - T-kahva

Handle Turn Cam Latches feature an T-shaped handle. They are commonly used cabinet and furniture applications.

The cam latches compression allows for a more secure seal where IP/NEMA performance is required. This also allows for improved insulation against noise and vibration conditions.

With locking and non-locking options to choose, you are sure to find a solution for your application.

  • Lock Type options; Keyed Alike, Keyed to Differ, Keyed CH751, Keyed J327 and Keyless
  • Several mounting orientations; Left-hand, Right-hand and Universal
  • Screw mount design

Series Code :SR5518

Sarjanumero: SR5518

Kiinteät puristussalpalukot

Fixed Compression Cam Latches are a versatile, low-profile round design. Ideal for holding doors and panels shut while eliminating noises from vibration and panel movement.

The added compression allows for secure closure when IP/NEMA performance is required. It has been tested according to the DIN for vibration and shock. When the key is turned 180 degrees the cam moves to the fixing position.

It works in temperatures from -50 to +80 C.

  • Material: Die Cast Zinc Alloy, Zinc Alloy, Zamak, and Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Black, Natural, Silver

Series Code :SR5551

Sarjanumero: SR5551

Kompressiosalvat - säädettävä

Compression Latches that feature a wide grip range with adjustable screw. The latch provides good compression and is available in a choice of pre-set compression options that include; 4mm and 6mm for improved noise isolation.

The latch has noise dampening properties and offers better sealing under vibration and shock conditions. The latch is rated per DIN-EN 61373.

The range features latches with a quarter turn cam operation and a choice of locking and non-locking options. Cams and driver keys are sold separately.

  • Materials: Die Cast Zinc Alloy and Stainless Steel
  • Finish Options: Chrome Plated, Powder Coating, Matt and Stainless Steel
  • Left Hand and Right Hand mounting

Series Code :SR5547

Sarjanumero: SR5547


Neljänneskierrosjousisalvat sopivat erinomaisesti sähkökaappeihin ja koteloihin. Seitsemän päätyyliä ja kuusi otinvalikoimaa saatavilla sekä kaksi materiaalivaihtoehtoa (ruostumaton teräs ja ruiskuvalettu sinkkiseos), erilaisilla pinnoitteilla. Tälle tuotteelle on saatavilla lukuisia muunnelmia.

  • IP65-luokiteltu
  • Pinnoitteisiin kuuluu: ruostumaton teräs, musta jauhemaalattu tai kromipinnoite.

Sarjanumero: SR5530

Kääntöniitit - riippulukkomallit siipinupilla

Featured with Padlock Fittings for additional security option when sealed with a padlock. They are also fitted with a rubber gasket for additional sealing properties. On offer are right and left hand door orientations and an array of grip ranges


Salpalukot on suunniteltu paneelien ja ovien lukitsemiseen ja pääsyn turvaamiseen pyörivällä salvalla, joka kiinnitetään kehykseen tai takana olevaan pidäkkeeseen.

Nämä ilman työkaluja asennettavat lukot tekevät asennuksesta nopeaa ja helppoa. Ne voidaan asentaa tavallisen paksuisiin oviin ja sopivat erinomaisesti kevyisiin kohteisiin.

Sarjaan kuuluu eri lukkotyyppejä: pääavain, samanlaiset avaimet, erilaiset avaimet,

  • Materiaalit: ruostumaton teräs ja ruiskuvalettu sinkkiseos
  • Viimeistelyvaihtoehdot: jauhemaalaus, kromipinnoite ja ruostumaton teräs
  • Värit: musta ja väritön (hopea)