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Ajustabil Zinc Încuietoare dulap furtun anti-incendiu

 (3 Produse)

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Încuietori cu compresie ajustabilă

Nastaviteľné tlakové západky majú triedu ochrany IP65 a sú vyrobené z pochrómovaného alebo čierno práškovaného tlakovo liateho zinku. Poskytujú prítlak jazýčka 6 mm a dodávajú sa s 3 typmi - priamym, vystúpeným a ohnutým. Poloha jazýčka môže byť dopredu alebo obrátená, západka zaisťuje dobrú kompresiu a izoláciu pred hlukom. K dispozícii sú 2 uchytenia v rozmeroch 20,2 mm x 22,2 mm a 19,2 mm x 22,2 mm.

Încuietori cu compresie ajustabilă şi mâner fluture

Nastaviteľné kompresné západky s krídlovým úchopom sa používajú na skrinky, ktoré si vyžadujú lepšie utesnenie pre podmienky so zvýšenými vibráciami. Sortiment zahŕňa prevedenia s rôznymi povrchovými úpravami a je dostupný v uzamykateľnom aj neuzamykateľnom vyhotovení.

Încuietori pentru mobilier - Broască pentru dulapuri cu regim greu de utilizare

These Furniture Locks are used to secure metal cabinets; however, they were initially developed for Fire Hose Cabinets. These locks are intended to be placed flush with the application's surface, resulting in a smooth and seamless look.

It offers security to protect valuable items and are durable. The flush mount design prevents the locks from protruding from the application surface, preserving the piece's aesthetic integrity.

It is easy to install and can be adapted to existing cabinets, making it a convenient and effective way to secure doors and drawers. They are typically found in metal cabinets, medical furniture, and data cabinets that require a clean and discrete locking mechanism.

  • It is placed flush with the furniture's surface, resulting in a smooth and seamless look.
  • It is easy to install and can be adapted to existing furniture.
  • It offers security and prevents unauthorised access to furniture contents.
Material: Aliaj de zinc turnat sub presiuneCuloare: Natural, Standard de inflamabilitate a materialului: