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Plástico Manivelas Tornillos para encuadernar

 (3 conjuntos de productos)

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Juego de tornillo de ajuste

Atornille el macho y la hembra juntos en cuestión de segundos para obtener un componente de unión rápida, fácil y segura. Se facilita en juegos que incluyen el macho y la hembra. Fabricado con PEAD.

Postes para encuadernar - Plástico

Atornille el macho y la hembra juntos en cuestión de segundos para obtener un componente de unión rápida, fácil y segura. Esta es la parte hembra o lado receptor. Las piezas roscadas macho se venden por separado.

Tornillos para encuadernar - Metal

The Book Binding Posts are made of metal, which offers superior strength, durability, and excellent resistance to wear and tear. This group includes the male threaded post and the female receptacle side; both parts are joined to hold the bound papers or materials (each part is sold separately). Unlike its male counterpart, the female book screws do not have a drive to its head.

It joins several sheets together by screwing them into a mating piece by hand or with a flat screwdriver. Used for panel fastening assemblies, such as swatch cards, colour charts, catalogues, sample books and many others.

  • It offers superior strength, durability, and excellent resistance to wear and tear.
  • It joins several sheets together by screwing them into a mating piece by hand or with a flat screwdriver.
  • Used for panel fastening assemblies, such as swatch cards, colour charts, catalogues, sample books and many others.
Material: Acero Color: Galvanizado, Negro, Chapado en níquel Código De La Serie: