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Self-centring Bonded Washers are commonly used where hydraulic fluids and pneumatic oils are prevalent. They are an ideal option for maintenance, repair and operation applications.
Bonded Washers are typically used with screws and bolts. The washer is made from steel and comes with a rubber O-ring seal that fits within the inside diameter of the washer. This washer and seal combination helps ensure a watertight assembly for your application.
Customers have the option to purchase a kit that contains a selection of size options that are suitable for BSP or Metric threads. This ensures quick and easy access to suitable sizes. Alternatively customers can purchase individual parts, in the thread type and specific size required.
Ruuvien ja piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne kiinnitetään ruuveilla, ja niiden irrotettava tappi mahdollistaa oven nostamisen kehyksestä pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Tarjolla on useita materiaaleja ja kiertokulmia eri käyttökohteisiin.
Sarjanumero: SR5468
Ruuvien ja hitsattujen piilosaranoiden valikoima sopii vaativan käytön kohteisiin. Ne tarjoavat kaksiosaisen kiinnitysratkaisun, jossa kehysosa on ruuvattu ja oviosa on kiinnitetty mutterilla oven hitsattuun nastaan. Tapin käyttö mahdollistaa oven nostamisen pääsyn helpottamiseksi. Ne sopivat sekä oikea- että vasenkätisille.
Sarjanumero: SR5545
Metric D-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.
O-Ring Cords and Splicing Kit is intended to decrease the need for huge numbers of O-rings. Comprises of a measuring tape, cutting block, adhesive bottle, retractable knife and a cable with the proper width and length. It prevents fluid and gas leaks.
Metric O-rings and Kit used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.
Imperial O-rings and Kit are used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.
O-ring seals provide a tight seal in flanged connections that prevents fluid or gas leakage. Typically inserted into the flange grooves to provide a tight fit, and a secure seal.
The radial cross-section of the O-ring provides consistent sealing force and a snug fit. When used in static situations, they create a seal between two stationary components. When used in dynamic situations, they seal between a fixed part and a moving element.
Used in various applications such as hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, fluid power systems, or oil and gas.
SAE Flange Seal O-rings and Kit are used for sealing reasons in both static and dynamic applications. Prevents leaks and contamination in a variety of applications. These kits are packed to keep the seals intact throughout storage and transportation. Used in automotive, plumbing and manufacturing sectors.
Piilosaranat, joissa vasen- ja oikeakätinen käyttö on mahdollista. Sopii erinomaisesti koteloihin ja koneen suojuksiin. Saatavana eri tyyppejä joko sinkittyä terästä tai ruostumatonta terästä AISI 304.
Sarjanumero: SR5510
Ring Seal Clamps available in lipped and unlipped profiles. Provides the most recent advancements in contamination detection and containment, which helps decrease product loss and boost productivity. They have strong mechanical and sealing qualities. They have a blue seal for easy identification.
Metric Ring Seals are used to seal both static and dynamic applications. They are simple to put into a machined groove, where the D-rings flat side offers stability, a tight fit and a leak-proof seal. Used in several industries, including automotive, plumbing and manufacturing.
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