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Oțel Cleme pentru cabluri Încuietoare dulap oțel

 (3 Produse)

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Cleme flexibile pentru cabluri, din oțel

Flexibilné oceľové príchytky potiahnuté vinylom sú bezpečné riešenie uchytenia káblov pre ich rýchle usporiadanie. Používajú sa pri montáži elektronických zariadení.

Cod Serie: SR2150

Cleme în formă de P

Skrutkovacie oceľové svorky s ochrannou gumou sú vhodné na upínanie rúrok, hadíc a káblov. Prevedenie so zámkom alebo bez odpruženia. Ochranná guma zabezpečuje ochranu pre hadice a oceľová časť a priskrutkovanie poskytujú spoľahlivé pripevnenie.

Cod Serie: SR1109

Încuietori pentru mobilier - Cupă îngropată

These furniture locks, also known as cabinet locks or cupboard locks, are intended to offer security and privacy. The locks are designed to be used with our rods (available separately) to give 2-point locking.

It lies flush with the metal lockers's surface, giving it a clean and inconspicuous appearance. This flush design not only improves the appearance of the furniture but also prevents the lock from snagging on garments or inflicting unintended damage.

Cupboard locks are simple to install by pressing them into the cut out hole; the clip-on body makes installation easier, and they are available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ cylinder choices. Commonly used in metal lockers and other storage units.

  • Used to offer security and privacy.
  • Available with Keyed Alike or Keyed Differ.
  • It designed to be used with our rods to give 2-point locking.
Material: Aliaj de zinc Series Code: