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Discuri adezive

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Pastile adezive

These hot melt Adhesive Glue Dots are pressure sensitive double sided adhesive dots designed to enable rapid bonding and secure connection.There are three kinds of bonds available in this range of Glue dots: vertical hold, removable, and permanent. Unlike traditional liquids, their instant adherence allows for quick and effective assembly or attachment of materials without the need for extra support or clamps.They are ideal for manufacturing, industrial applications, packing, bindery, printing, and product assembly.

  • It is FDA approved.
  • It is packed in handy dispensers.
  • It can either provide vertical, removable or permanent bonding.
Cod Serie:

Cleme de prindere - mâner conic/inserție filetată

Nastaviteľné páčky so skosenou rukoväťou a vnútorným závitom sa ovládajú jednoduchým zdvihnutím a otočením. Majú tlačidlo pre uvoľnenie a nastavenie polohy. Skosená rukoväť umožňuje maximálny prenos sily a pohodlné nastavenie polohy. Páčka sa montuje na vonkajší závit na zariadení.

Cleme de prindere - mâner conic/inserție filetată

Nastaviteľné páčky so skosenou rukoväťou a vonkajším závitom sa ovládajú jednoduchým zdvihnutím a otočením. Majú tlačidlo pre uvoľnenie a nastavenie polohy. Skosená rukoväť umožňuje maximálny prenos sily a pohodlné nastavenie polohy. Páčka sa montuje do vnútorného závitu na zariadení.

Cleme de prindere - mâner conic/inserție filetată

Nastaviteľné páčky s otvorenou rukoväťou a vnútorným závitom sa ovládajú jednoduchým zdvihnutím a otočením. Majú tlačidlo pre uvoľnenie a nastavenie polohy. Tvar rukoväte umožňuje maximálny prenos sily a pohodlné nastavenie polohy. Nezaberá tiež toľko priestoru a rukoväť neprekáža.

Cleme de prindere - mâner conic/inserție filetată

Nastaviteľné páčky so zaoblenou rukoväťou a vonkajším závitom sa ovládajú jednoduchým zdvihnutím a otočením. Majú tlačidlo pre uvoľnenie a nastavenie polohy. Zaoblený tvar rukoväte umožňuje maximálny prenos sily a pohodlné nastavenie polohy. Nezaberá tiež toľko priestoru a rukoväť neprekáža.

Discuri adezive transparente

These spherical Sealing Discs seal and secure a range of products due to their strong adhesive backing, which prevents the discs from peeling off or getting loose.

Ideal for an economical, professional finish. This series has two varieties: one with an acrylic-based bond removable for applications and one with a permanent bond.

It is simple to apply by peeling away the backing and exposing the sticky surface and pressing it onto the surface. There is an option for centre perforation or plain discs, and it is commonly used in various applications, including packaging, labelling, and product security.

  • Ideal for an economical, professional finish.
  • Available with a permanent or removable bond.
  • Optional centre-perforation or plain discs.
Culoare: Transparent Cod Serie: