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(2 Produse)
These Strain Relief Cable Clamps are designed to securely tie and organise cables while slightly reducing strain and protecting the cable from metal cut-outs.
The screw mount feature provides a strong and long-lasting hold that keeps the cables from slipping or becoming tangled. They are resistant to a wide range of environmental conditions, making them excellent for both indoor and outdoor use.
They are simple to install in a chassis, panel or wall to connect the main power wire to the appliances. It is attached with two screws that offer a firm hold on the cables. It's used in various industries, including automotive, telecommunications, electrical installations, and construction.
Ovládacie gombíky matice majú vrúbkovaný okraj, ktorý poskytuje maximálny a pohodlný úchop. Tieto pevné tvarované otočné gombíky sú odolné voči nárazu a chemikáliám a zabezpečujú uhladený vzhľad.
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