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Oțel Balamale mascate Sigilii de restricţionare a accesului

 (5 Produse)

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Balamale mascate demontabile

Skryté závesy vhodné pre ľavé aj pravé dvere. Vhodné na kovové skrine a kryty strojov. K dispozícii je niekoľko typov z pozinkovanej ocele alebo nehrdzavejúcej ocele AISI 304.

Cod Serie: SR5510

Balamale mascate fixate cu șuruburi

Sortiment skrutkovacích skrytých závesov je vhodný pre náročné aplikácie. Montujú sa pomocou skrutiek a majú odnímateľný čap, ktorý umožňuje zdvihnutie dverí z rámu pre ľahký prístup. K dispozícii sú rôzne materiály a uhly rotácie, ktoré vyhovujú mnohým aplikáciám.

Cod Serie: SR5468

Balamale mascate sudabile

Sortiment skrutkových/zváraných skrytých pántov je vhodný pre náročné aplikácie a ponúka dvojdielne montážne riešenie so zaskrutkovanou rámovou časťou a dverovou časťou pripevnenou maticou k zváranému čapu na dverách. Použitie čapu umožňuje odstránenie dverí pre ľahký prístup. Sú vhodné pre ľavé a pravé uchytenie.

Cod Serie: SR5545

Sigilii Hanalock

A high security Bolt Seal that is ideal for use for the securing import and export goods both domestically, and internationally. Typical applications include; shipping containers, cargo containers, trucks, trailer vehicle doors and rail freights.

These bolt seals features an 18mm insert and pin head that keeps the seal engaged on the applications latch when the plastic cover is intentionally or accidentally removed.

The range includes different options, including pins that are either coated or uncoated. The coated pin has an additional layer of paint that gives it an extra layer of protection from chips and damage. The bolt seal also features a label attachment.

ISO 17712:2013 (coated pin option only) and C-TPAT compliant.

The bolt seal barrel is made from high-quality ABS material, which benefits from impact resistance and also indicates evidence of tampering.

  • Material: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Barrel and Steel Pin
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and White

Cod Serie: SRH0019, SRH0018, SREinLock

Sigilii de securitate, schele și protecția în timpul transportului

Our Security Seals provide a tamper evident seal for plastic containers, while also adding a level of security protection against theft and contamination.

Ideal for use on storage and shopping containers. This range of seals is available in a selection of sizes and a choice of styles, including; cable lock, EZE seal, smooth grip and metal lock.

  • Materials: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminium, Polypropylene (PP) and Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Natural, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Cod Serie: SRArrowLock, SR1153, SR1152, SR1151, SRZipLock, SRSphereLock, SRLuggagelock