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Hadice M28 Rovné PA Čierna

This P-Style Conduit is made from Black Nylon. It features a straight external thread. It is free from Halogen, Suphur and Phosphorus. It is suitable for high temperature applications up to 120 degrees celsius (100 degrees celsuis for moving applications). The product is highly flexible, has high impact strength and recovers if crushed. It is self-extinguishing and high abrasion resistant. It also features high UV resistance, and is resistant to solvents and oils. It is typically applied in a range of machinery and in public buildings.
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Informácie o cene SKU
Množstvo Jednotková cena
10 + 21,0632 €
Množstvo v balení: 10

Objednávka v násobkoch 10

Celková cena:

210,63 €

10 x 21,0632 €

Užitočné informácie



Palcový rad
Metrický rad
Atribúty SKU
Farba Čierna
Plný materiál Polyamid 6.6
Commodity Code 3926909790

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