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(8 sady výrobkov)
Anti-vibration buffers made from zinc plated steel and rubber, available in different conical styles and a broad range of thread sizes.
Skupina SR: SR6486
Tieto valce sú navrhnuté na tlmenie otrasov a absorpciu a rozptyl vibrácií, znižujú dopad na okolité zariadenia alebo konštrukcie.
Účinným tlmením vibrácií pomáhajú antivibračné vložky zlepšovať výkon zariadenia, spoľahlivosť a životnosť. Tlmiaci účinok týchto vložiek tiež pomáha minimalizovať hluk spôsobený vibráciami, čo vedie k pokojnejšiemu a pohodlnejšiemu pracovnému prostrediu.
Nikdy by sa nemali montovať v ťahu, ale v rovnomernom zaťažení a mali by sa používať iba v axiálnom alebo radiálnom smere. Často sa používajú v strojoch a zariadeniach, kompresoroch, klimatizačných jednotkách a zariadeniach ľahkého strojárstva.
Acting as a buffer and absorbing vibrations, our spacers and vibration mount standoffs, are suitable for applications where movement in stationary machinery is unavoidable. These products are also designed to help with noise reduction. Made from black Neoprene Rubber, 60 Shore. Finished with clear dichromate plating. Can withstand temperatures from -40 to 50 ºC.
These philips head shoulder screws are meant to be used in conjunction with the VG series vibration grommets.
Anti-vibration machine mounts featuring a galvanised steel ST37 casing and a natural rubber moulding. These dampening mounts have a 60 shore rubber hardness and break safe options are available in the range. These mounts are available in a mix of types and thread sizes.
Anti-vibration Machine Mounts absorb shock and reduce noise as well as providing good adhesion to the floor. These mounts are ideal for use as feet for machinery and conveyors.
Vibration mounts made with zinc plated steel and rubber. Suitable for any application that requires the isolation of vibration. Can be used in compression, shear or both, where there are no requirements for fail safe functionality. Available in five options and in a selection of thread sizes.
Skupina SR: SR5495
Heavy Duty Screw-On Vibration Mounts absorb shock and reduce noise with high adhesion to the floor. These mounts are ideal for use as feet on machinery and conveyors.
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