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(2 sady výrobkov)
Our range of self-adhesive buffers, bumpers and stick-on feet come in felt or polyurethane (PU), and in a variety of shapes and colours to suit your purpose.
The PU bumpers are suitable for application temperatures ranging from 18C up to 65.5C. These stick-on feet will not tarnish, scratch or discolour any surface.
The adhesive felt pads come in brown or white. They can be used on the base of feet or inserts for smooth movement over floor surfaces.
Screw-On Bumper Feet are recessed for use as feet on small appliances and other retail products. These feet are attached with a separate screw, bolt, or rivet to the assembly and are made from anti-scratch material to protect surfaces.
Skupina SR: SR1590 ,SR5794, SRP0007, SRP0037
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