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Guma Naskrutkovať Dverové zarážky

 (4 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Silentbloky - silná záťaž

Heavy Duty Screw-On Vibration Mounts absorb shock and reduce noise with high adhesion to the floor. These mounts are ideal for use as feet on machinery and conveyors.

Skrutkovacie nožičky s dorazom

Screw-On Bumper Feet are recessed for use as feet on small appliances and other retail products. These feet are attached with a separate screw, bolt, or rivet to the assembly and are made from anti-scratch material to protect surfaces.

Skupina SR: SR1590 ,SR5794, SRP0007, SRP0037

Skrutkovacie nožičky s dorazom - so závitom

Screw-On Bumpers with a threaded stud that can be used as a levelling device or bumper for small equipment. The non-corrosive stud and foot material is durable and resists harsh environments..

Skupina SR: SR5726

Zátky a dorazy - so závitom

Inserts & Bumpers - Threaded can be used as a leveling device or bumper for small equipment. The non-corrosive stud and foot material is durable and resists harsh environments.

Skupina SR: SR5804