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Obojstranný vnútorný závit Montáž PCB Šesťhranné rozpierky pre PCB

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka


This range of standoffs are easy to install thanks to their screw in design. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and are available in both non-undercut and undercut versions. Non-undercut spacers offer greater stability but require a washer for installation. Undercut spacers are much quicker to install, allow spacers to be stacked and don't require the use of a washer. They are also available in self-tapping types for mating with unthreaded fittings. They come in several materials and lengths.

Skupina SR: SR2702

Šesťhranné rozpierky bez závitu

These are female standoffs that have a through hole. A self-tapping screw is used to thread the plastic which gives it a strong hold. Available for several different screw sizes in many spacer lengths.

Skupina SR: SR2791