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Závit Krídlové klipy pevné Ovládacie pákové madlá

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Ovládacie páčky - bez rukoväte

Gear Lever Shafts are threaded at both ends to connect to your linkable on one end, amplifying the input force through to the gears. The knob style of your choice can be attached to the threaded stud on the other end. These shafts are available with steel or stainless steel shaft and brass insert.

Páčky s guľatou rukoväťou

Ball Gear Lever handles and shafts are made of steel and are ground and polished with a black oxide finish. The T-handle knob is black plastic with a brass insert making these durable levers ideal on machinery applications for changing gears through a pivot point.

Páčky s kužeľovou rukoväťou

Tapered Knob Gear Lever handles and shafts are made of steel and are ground and polished with a black oxide finish. The tapered knob is black plastic with a brass insert for an easy grip and aesthetically pleasing finish on machinery applications for changing or shifting gears.