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Guma Rôzne veľkosti Tesniace O-krúžky

 (1 sada výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Európske metrické O-krúžky a súpravy

These O-Ring Ring Seal Kits are utilised for sealing purposes. In both static and dynamic applications, it forms a secure seal. It ensures the seal does not twist or roll during operation or installation.

Imperial o-rings, metric o-rings, European metric o-rings, and O-ring face seals (ORFS) are all available. When put in applications, it inhibits fluid entry and gas leakage. These kits are packaged to protect the seals during storage or shipment.

It is simple to insert into a machined groove, where the flat edge of the D-ring provides support. Commonly used in industries such as automotive, plumbing, and manufacturing. They are helpful for sealing applications in engines, pumps, valves, and other mechanical devices.

Skupina SR: SR6160, SR6155, SR6154, SR6152, SR6151, SR6150