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Šesťhranná hlava Ručné kľuky Skrutky s hlavou

 (2 sady výrobkov)

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Skrutky so šesťhrannou hlavou - kovové

Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of metal to provide strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and temperature resistance.

It is used to secure metal parts that must withstand heavy loads, vibrations, or other stresses. Used in various applications, including machinery construction, electrical equipment and automotive.

  • Material: SS, MS
  • Colour: Natural
  • DIN Rated

Skrutky so šesťhrannou hlavou - plastové

Hexagonal Head Cap Screws are distinguished by their hexagonal head, allowing easy installation and tightening with a wrench or socket. Made of plastic, they are lightweight and resistant to corrosion, oil, abrasion and most chemicals.

Offered in a variety of standard imperial and metric sizes as a replacement to all metal versions. Used in various applications, including electrical equipment, automotive trim, and furniture.

  • Material: Nylon, PA, PEEK, PC, PP, PVDF
  • Colour: Natural, Light Brown, Brown, Black

Skupina SR: SR1992