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Hlava s drážkou Skrutky M3.5

 (1 sada výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Strojové skrutky s vypuklou hlavou s krížovou drážkou

Fillister Machine Screws have a convex top comparable to socket head or socket head cap screws. The high head height in relation to its head diameter, makes it excellent for applications into deeper bores. It features a smooth bearing surface and a convex top. It is used for countersunk holes and comes with either a countersunk or a Phillips drive head.

Protects the surface by elevating the level at which the screwdriver is used. They are less prone than protruding machine screws to deform or harm the surface of the material they are screwed into. Used in applications for furniture assembly, machinery construction and automotive repair.

  • Material: Nylon
  • Colour: Natural