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Nastaviteľná Bez zámku P Klipy

 (33 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Samolepiace káblové svorky

Adhesive Cable Clamps have a ratcheting feature that holds and locks bundles securely. Ideal for holding and routing cables, wires and cords.

The clamps in this range are adjustable and can be reopened once the tab is released. This function allows for routing changes. The range also includes options with a side lock on the top of the clamp that prevents the clip from sliding open.

This range of cable clamps come equipped with a self-adhesive strip, for convenient and easy securing of your cable bundles.

  • Material: Nylon 6/6
  • Colour: Black and Natural
  • UL94 V0 and UL94 V2 flame rated options

The adhesive element of the product has a shelf life of approximately 1 Year from date of shipping; when stored in the unopened original packaging, stored at room temperature and away from sunlight.

Skupina SR: SR2068

Samolepiace/skrutkovacie káblové sedlo

Wires and cables effortlessly slide into these round Wire Saddles. The Wire Saddle holds and directs passing wires, without the needed of a locking mechanism.

These Wire Saddles are available in screw mounted or self-adhesive backed options. The adhesive option is backed with a high quality adhesive tape.

The round shape makes these Wire Saddles suitable for use with a wide range of cable diameter sizes.

The material that these wire saddles is made from provides good temperature stability, as well as strength and mechanical resistance.

  • Material: Polyamide 6/6 (PA or Nylon 6/6)
  • Farby: čierna a prírodná
  • Triedy horľavosti UL94 V0 a UL94 V2
  • Temperature Range: -40C up to 85C

Skrutkovacie klipy P

PVC vrstva poskytuje trvalejšiu ochranu káblov proti vibráciám a poškodeniu. Na zabezpečenie pevného utesnenia zostáva okolie skrutky prázdne. Dostupné v 14 rozmeroch, vhodných pre zväzky rozličných priemerov.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - naskrutkovacie, nízkoprofilové

Nastaviteľné nožičky s montážnym závitom a kovovou otočnou základňou sú dlhodobým riešením pre montáž strojových zariadení a dopravníkov. Tieto nožičky majú kĺbové otáčanie a závitový čap vyrobený pre presnosť a pevnosť závitu.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje

Vyrovnávacie nožičky pre stroje sú lacným riešením pre aplikácie s nízkym zaťažením. Nastaviteľné nožičky sa používajú na kancelársky nábytok, police, skrinky a strojové zariadenia malých rozmerov.

Západky s rukoväťou a vystupujúcou spúšťou

Flush Compression Lever Latch with an offset trigger design. Provides good gasket compression and is easy to use. Suitable for left and right hand applications to secure doors, cabinets, or panels.

Suitable for a panel thickness of less than, and including, 2mm. It is available in a selection of adjustable grip range: 0-24mm, 24-46mm, 36-48mm, and 51-63mm.

These Latches come as either keyed alike (5333), keyed different or with no lock and supplied with 2 keys per lock.

  • Colour:Black

Skupina SR: SR5090

Západky vačkové otočné - nastaviteľné

Handle Turn Cam Latches - Adjustable used for electronic panels, doors, cabinets and other similar installations.

These latches offer exceptional durability and security making them the ideal choice for industrial, commercial, and high-stakes environments. These latches are quick and easy to install. They are perfect for situations requiring lightweight access and can be put on doors of any thickness.

Its handle is removable therefore not mandatory, and when not in use the lock can be opened with a 9mm triangular key.

  • Colour: Natural

Západky štvrtotáčkové – s rukoväťou v tvare T

Cam Latches with compression have a T-shaped handle. They are designed to offer secure access to panels and doors, courtesy of the rotating cam (pawl).

The cam is secured by engaging the frame or keeper on the back side. These latches come with standard technology. Ideally used for cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Colour: Natural (Silver)
  • DIN-EN 1774 rated

Cam sold separately

  • z/zo 2