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Polypropylén Plomby s pevnou dĺžkou Bezpečnostné a identifikačné plomby

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Plomby s pevnou dĺžkou - plastové

Plastic Fixed Length Seals provide an easy and economical way to deter theft, as well as signal evidence of tampering or breach of goods. They are ideal for securing truck and container doors.

Our range is available in several types, including InnoLock, OctoLock and TwinLock.

InnoLock features a flat and tear-off tab for easy, tool-free removal. The seal has an anti-tamper metal locking jaw.

OctoLock and TwinLock are all-plastic options. OctoLock has a heavy-duty octagonal head and features a pre-determined break point. OctoLock and TwinLock benefit from a double locking mechanism with an acetal jaw that has a higher melting point than polypropylene (PP).

TwinLock also has a pre-set break point on the deal for ease of removal. It features a fixed loop design. For full security benefits of the double locking mechanism, insert until you hear a second click.

High Break Strengths: 9.5kg and 15kg

  • Body Material: Polypropylene (PP)
  • Jaw Materials: Metal and Acetal
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Skupina SR: SRH0025, SRH0024, SRH0023

Bezpečnostné plomby

Our Security Seals provide a tamper evident seal for plastic containers, while also adding a level of security protection against theft and contamination.

Ideal for use on storage and shopping containers. This range of seals is available in a selection of sizes and a choice of styles, including; cable lock, EZE seal, smooth grip and metal lock.

  • Materials: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminium, Polypropylene (PP) and Steel
  • Colours: Blue, Green, Natural, Orange, Red, White and Yellow

Skupina SR: SRArrowLock, SR1153, SR1152, SR1151, SRZipLock, SRSphereLock, SRLuggagelock