V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
(4 sady výrobkov)
These Flexible Steel Clamps are fasteners for bundling, clamping, securing, and organising cables, wires, or tubing. It provides great strength and corrosion resistance while preventing drooping, tangling, or coming into touch with other components. The vinyl coating holds the cable and insulates it.
The adaptability of these clamps enables simple cable routing and placement while allowing variations in cable diameter or length. They are commonly used in applications involving vibration, movement, or severe conditions.
These cable clamps' flexible form enables simple installation and adjustment screw mounting into place, making them excellent for usage in various sectors such as automotive, electrical, and construction.
Skupina SR: SR2150
Spona so západkami drží zväzok pevne na mieste. Nastaviteľné pre širokú škálu priemerov zväzkov. Po zaistení zväzku, je možné svorku znovu otvoriť na zmeny smeru. Sú dobré pre zariadenia s vysokými vibráciami. Po zatvorení sa dá svorka otvoriť až po uvoľnení úchytu. Dodávajú sa v materiáloch UL94 V-2 aj UL94 V-0
Nastaviteľné svorky sa montujú zatlačením do panela, nastaviteľná svorka sa dokáže prispôsobiť celému radu rozmerov káblov.
Adhesive Cable Clamps have a ratcheting feature that holds and locks bundles securely. Ideal for holding and routing cables, wires and cords.
The clamps in this range are adjustable and can be reopened once the tab is released. This function allows for routing changes. The range also includes options with a side lock on the top of the clamp that prevents the clip from sliding open.
This range of cable clamps come equipped with a self-adhesive strip, for convenient and easy securing of your cable bundles.
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