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(5 sady výrobkov)
Compression Latch with a T Handle are hand-operated and have a fixed design. They are used in a range of access hardware applications and are a great choice for cabinets and access panels.
Our range is available with locking and non-locking options. All locking options are supplied with two keys. All latches are supplied with rubber sealing gasket and 6mm of pre-set compression to increase noise isolation.
Adjustable T Handle Compression Latches that are provided with up to 6mm of pre-set compression. Ideal for use with cabinets that require better sealing under vibration conditions.
The latches are hand operated, have locking (CH 751 stainless steel shutter) and non-locking (no cylinder) options. Two keys are supplied with every lock. The latches are also supplied with a rubber sealing gasket. Cams are sold separately.
The adjustable latches have a quarter-turn cam operation and a wide grip range with an adjustable nut.
Nastaviteľné kompresné západky so širokým rozsahom úchopu a nastaviteľnými skrutkami. Zámok poskytuje dobrú kompresiu a je k dispozícii v rôznych prednastavených možnostiach kompresie vrátane 4mm a 6mm, pre zlepšenie izolácie hluku. Zámok má vlastnosti tlmiace hluk a poskytuje lepšie tesnenie za podmienok vibrácií a nárazov.
Používa sa v aplikáciách, kde môžu environmentálne faktory, ako sú kolísania teploty alebo opotrebenie tesnenia, ovplyvniť účinnosť tesnenia. Odolné voči teplotám medzi -50C až +80 C. Bežne používané v odvetviach, ako sú priemyselné obaly.
Tento rad obsahuje západky so štvrťotáčkovým vačkovým ovládaním a výberom možností uzamykania a bez uzamykania.
Mini Adjustable Compression Latches are IP65 rated and are made from Black Die-Cast Zinc. They offer a 4mm compression and are supplied with a sealing gasket. They allow for a simple adjustment of the grip range and are ideal for applications with a limited space. The keys that are compatible are sold separately
Fixed Compression Cam Latches are a versatile, low-profile round design. Ideal for holding doors and panels shut while eliminating noises from vibration and panel movement.
The added compression allows for secure closure when IP/NEMA performance is required. It has been tested according to the DIN for vibration and shock. When the key is turned 180 degrees the cam moves to the fixing position.
It works in temperatures from -50 to +80 C.
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