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Okrúhle Guma Koncové krytky

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Roztiahnuteľné maskovacie kryty

Expandable Masking Covers are an ideal alternative to a more conventional cap when the part to cover has an awkward shape. The Masking Covers are expandable by stretching with an elasticated end or by stretching through the elasticity of the material. The elasticated cap makes it a looser hold and therefore is best for a general protection during transport and storage or light masking requirement.

The stretched material cap has a stronger hold on the part by gripping and therefore is best for application putting pressure on the part. Their softening point is at 90 degrees Celsius and they can be used up to 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Material: LDPE, Silicone
  • Colour: Blue, Red, White, Clear

Skupina SR: SR1097, SRF0019