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Nastaviteľné Tesniace krúžky tvaru D

 (1 sada výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Súpravy tesniacich krúžkov - D-krúžky

These D-Ring Ring Seal Kits are utilised for sealing purposes. In both static and dynamic applications, it forms a secure seal. It ensures the seal does not twist or roll during operation or installation.

The D-ring's flat side provides a firm and secure seal against a flat surface, while the rounded side allows for flexibility and compression, resulting in a snug fit. This shape is especially beneficial for sealing applications where a standard round O-ring would be inconvenient owing to space limits or unique sealing requirements.

It is simple to insert into a machined groove, where the flat edge of the D-ring provides support. Commonly used in industries such as automotive, plumbing, and manufacturing. They are helpful for sealing applications in engines, pumps, valves, and other mechanical devices.

Skupina SR: SR6159