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Oceľ Montáž skrutkou Zaistenie v rohu

 (4 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Flexibilné oceľové káblové svorky

These Flexible Steel Clamps are fasteners for bundling, clamping, securing, and organising cables, wires, or tubing. It provides great strength and corrosion resistance while preventing drooping, tangling, or coming into touch with other components. The vinyl coating holds the cable and insulates it.

The adaptability of these clamps enables simple cable routing and placement while allowing variations in cable diameter or length. They are commonly used in applications involving vibration, movement, or severe conditions.

These cable clamps' flexible form enables simple installation and adjustment screw mounting into place, making them excellent for usage in various sectors such as automotive, electrical, and construction.

Skupina SR: SR2150

Klipy P

These P Clips, also known as pipe clips, secure wires, pipes, hoses, and other things. These clips are shaped like a ""P"" and give a tight hold by securing the object. At the same time, the smooth interior surface avoids injury to the held item. It has exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance.

It is simple to install; screw it into the surface where the object is fastened. This range offers several mounting holes for various screw sizes. Suitable for various industries and applications, including automotive, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC.

Skupina SR: SR1109


This range of standoffs are easy to install thanks to their screw in design. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and are available in both non-undercut and undercut versions. Non-undercut spacers offer greater stability but require a washer for installation. Undercut spacers are much quicker to install, allow spacers to be stacked and don't require the use of a washer. They are also available in self-tapping types for mating with unthreaded fittings. They come in several materials and lengths.

Skupina SR: SR2702

Skrutkovacie klzáky

Tieto skrutkovacie klzáky sú vyrobené z polytetrafluóretylénu (PTFE), montujú sa skrutkami a dodávajú s oceľovou podložkou. Tieto skrutkovacie upevňovacie klzáky zabraňujú kĺzaniu stoličiek a iných produktov s rúrkovými profilmi po hladkých povrchoch.

  • Montážny otvor 4,5 mm
  • Bez závitu a so závitom v strede
  • Farby: prírodná a čierna.