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Pevná Guma Otočná základňa

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Stmeňove závory – so záražkou

Flexible Over Centre Drawer Latches have a low profile design and the keeper is concealed and fixed under the latch to aid this design feature. The handle is made from black rubber making it non-corrosive and if fixed using standard M4 screws (not supplied)

Vačkové západky

Swell Latches are quick and easy to install. They are used as a fastener for applicactions requiring alignment and anti vibration. A selection for cut out is required depending on the frame thickness.

Vyrovnávacie nožičky - naskrutkovacie, nízkoprofilové

Stud Mount Levelling Feet with a Metal Swivel Base are a durable solution for mounting machinery or conveyors. These feet have articulating swivel and a stud manufactured for accuracy and strength of the thread.