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DIN Mostíkové rukoväte Priemyselné madlá a rukoväte

 (3 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Madlá - oblúkové s montážnym otvorom

Through Hole Angle Arch Pull Handle Assemblies are front mounted with ergonomic profiles for pleasing aesthetics and comfort during use. The extensive range of designs and materials are suited for various applications and environments.

Madlá - pravouhlé s montážnym otvorom

High quality Through Hole Angled Pull Handle Assemblies have solid shanks made from precision cast 316 stainless steel and are electropolished for a dull bright finish. The shanks have two O-Rings to hold and seal the tubing at a right angle.

Madlá - priechodný otvor jednostranný

Recessed pull handles are mounted flush to a door or panel. They can be mounted by snapping them into a panel; they can also be welded or screw mounted. Plastic recessed handles are the most popular; however, we also offer stainless steel and aluminum flush handles.