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Skrutka Regálové háčiky a zábrany Rukou doťahovateľné skrutky

 (5 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Regálové háčiky - ploché

Flat Merchandising Hooks are used to display items in an orderly and aesthetically pleasing manner. It has a flat, broad hook that provides a solid and secure platform, lowering the danger of goods sliding off or being damaged.

It is easy to install and remove, screwed or nailed into a wall or other surface, and resistant to corrosion and other environmental factors. They are sold individually and are ideal for holding hanging components on cardboard, POP displays, and free-standing display units.

  • Material: PA
  • Colour: Natural

Regálové háčiky - guľaté

Round Merchandising Hooks display items in an orderly and aesthetically pleasing manner. It has a curved, circular end and is designed to securely hold products without causing any damage.

It is easy to install and remove, screwed or nailed into a wall or other surface, and resistant to corrosion and other environmental factors. They are sold single and double in different sizes and are ideal for holding hanging components on cardboard, POP displays, and free-standing display units.

  • Material: PP, PA, ABS;PA, ABS, Nylon, Steel
  • Colour: White, Black

Ručné kolesá - dvojlúčové

Our range of Spoked Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. A choice of technopolymer material offers resistance to oils and grease often found in their working environment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.

Ručné kolesá - kovové bez rukoväte

Control Handwheels are heavy duty leveraging hand hold to operate positioning adjustment on large machines.The 4 spoke design allow strong hold handling for the operator, and therefore are not fitted with handles. The range offer a choice of material to suit application environment.

Ručné kolesá - kovové s rukoväťou

Our range of Spoked Metal Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.