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Skrutka Rukou doťahovateľné skrutky Silne lepiace pásky

 (5 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Ručné kolesá - dvojlúčové

Our range of Spoked Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. A choice of technopolymer material offers resistance to oils and grease often found in their working environment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.

Ručné kolesá - kovové bez rukoväte

Ovládacie ručné kolieska sú páky pre veľké namáhanie na regulovanie nastavenia polohy na veľkých strojoch. Štvorramenný dizajn umožňuje operátorovi pevnú manipuláciu, a preto nie sú vybavené rukoväťami. Sortiment ponúka výber materiálov vhodných pre prostredie aplikácie.

Ručné kolesá - kovové s rukoväťou

Náš sortiment lúčových kovových ručných koliesok poskytuje pákové držanie pre polohovanie a nastavenie na stroji a vybavení. Na zvýšenie bezpečnosti je tento rad vybavený rôznymi typmi manévrovacích rukovätí.

Silne lepiace pásky - kotúče

Duraco High Bond Tapes are high performance acrylic foam core tapes that meet a wide range of application needs. High Bond Tapes are tamper resistant, great for bonding dissimilar metals, and excellent resistant to temperature cycles. Available in 4 colors: clear, white, grey, and black. Clear is ideal for clear acrylic and glass applications. Specifications: Adhesive: Acrylic Foam Core Permanent Adhesive. Service Temperature Range: -20F to 300F Applications. Appliance: replace mechanical fasteners in consumer and commercial appliances. Design: Seamless attachment of decorative panels. Electronics: LCD displays, hand held electronic assembly, data enclosures. Event Promotion: seamless banner assembly and sign installation. HVAC: replace mechanical fasteners and welding in heading and air conditioning unit assembly

Silne lepiace pásky - výseky

Duraco High Bond Tapes are high performance acrylic foam core tapes that meet a wide range of application needs. High Bond Tapes are tamper resistant, great for bonding dissimilar metals, and excellent resistant to temperature cycles. Available in 3 colors: clear, white, grey. Clear is ideal for clear acrylic and glass applications. Pre-cut pieces make application easy – just peel and bond. Specifications: Adhesive: Acrylic Foam Core Permanent Adhesive. Service Temperature Range: Clear: -20F to 300F White: -20F to 240F Grey: -20F to 240F; Applications: Appliance: replace mechanical fasteners in consumer and commercial appliances. Design: Seamless attachment of decorative panels. Electronics: LCD displays, hand held electronic assembly, data enclosures. Event Promotion: seamless banner assembly and sign installation. HVAC: replace mechanical fasteners and welding in heading and air conditioning unit assembly