V prípade veľkých objemov a individuálnych výrobkov ich pridajte do košíka a kliknite na žiadosť o cenovú ponuku alebo náskontaktujtea my vám odpovieme do 2 pracovných dní.
(15 sady výrobkov)
Tento rad upínacích ručných skrutiek má nízkoprofilovú hlavu. Sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.
Bežne sa používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Skrutky sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Niektoré majú čiernený povrch a iné sú bez čiernenia. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Tento rad upínacích ručných skrutiek má nízkoprofilovú hlavu s drážkou. Štandardné drážky sú vhodné pre štandardné čepeľové skrutkovače a vyžadujú menší tlak smerom nadol na drážky dielu ako skrutky so zapustenými otvormi. Na minimalizáciu skĺznutia je potrebná vhodne namontovaná čepeľ.
Tieto skrutky sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES. Bežne sa používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Skrutky sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Niektoré majú čiernený povrch a iné sú bez čiernenia. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Male Staggered Wing Knobs are designed with a protruding metal shoulder to ensure metal to metal assembly while giving good leverage. Staggered wing knobs have steel studs and are resistant to solvents, oils, grease, and chemicals.
Skupina SR: SR1579
These Thumb Screws - Wing Plastic are fasteners utilised in various applications that demand a secure and readily adjustable connection. These screws are made with a wing-shaped plastic head that offers leverage for simple twisting.
It has a strong grip and is simple to handle, allowing for quick and easy tightening or loosening by hand. The wing shape gives a wider surface area for the thumb or fingers to grasp, making it perfect for applications that need frequent adjustments. This function allows the user to apply torque without using extra tools.
Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and furniture manufacturing. They are especially suitable in situations that need a non-metallic connection since the plastic head protects sensitive or polished surfaces. As a result, they are ideal for fastening components, panels, or fittings without leaving unattractive marks or scratches.
Tento rad upínacích ručných skrutiek má dlhú hlavu. Sú vhodným riešením montáže pre panely s otvormi bez závitov. Používajú sa na dodržanie predpisov smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES.
Bežne sa používajú s upínacími podložkami so závitom (predávajú sa samostatne).
Skrutky sú vyrobené z austenitickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele, ktorá poskytuje dobrú odolnosť proti korózii a opracovateľnosť. Niektoré majú čiernený povrch a iné sú bez čiernenia. Materiál je obľúbenou voľbou v stavebníctve a automobilovom sektore.
Upozornenie: Tieto skrutky majú menší priemer drieku a nemali by sa uťahovať na odporúčaný krútiaci moment pre ekvivalentnú skrutku zobrazenej veľkosti závitu.
Female Lobed Hand Wheels & Knobs have a scalloped edge to allow for maximum grip and comfort. These durable lobed knobs are impact and chemical resistant and provide a neat appearance for finished applications that require adjustment.
Our lobed blank hand wheels are ideal for many different applications, from metal fabrication equipment to display furniture, available in many different styles and sizes. The lobed sides are easy to grip.
Our range of Spoked Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. A choice of technopolymer material offers resistance to oils and grease often found in their working environment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.
Control Handwheels are heavy duty leveraging hand hold to operate positioning adjustment on large machines.The 4 spoke design allow strong hold handling for the operator, and therefore are not fitted with handles. The range offer a choice of material to suit application environment.
Our range of Spoked Metal Handwheels provide a leveraging hand hold for positioning and adjustment on machine and equipment. The range is fitted with different types of manoeuvering handles to increase safety.
Knurled Thumb Screws have a slotted head and a knurled surface for manual tightening and loosening of threaded fasteners but can also be installed using a flat screwdriver. It is simple to install and provides a firm grip, making it ideal for applications requiring easy adjustment.
Due to their plastic construction, they are lightweight, vibration, chemical, electrical and corrosion resistant options, making them an excellent choice for use in harsh or outdoor environments. They are frequently utilised in furniture assembly, electrical equipment, and automobile industries.
Knurled Style Thumb Screw Knobs can be press-fit onto screws to create a small knob for clamping or securing. These knobs can be used with any length screw and the knurled edge is easily gripped for tightening and loosening.
Skupina SR: SR6127
T-Head Thumb Screw Knobs can be press-fit onto screws to create a small knob for clamping or securing. These knobs can be used with any length screw and the T-Head design provides extra leverage when tightening.
These Thumb Screws - Knurled Plastic are fasteners used in various applications that demand a secure and readily adjustable connection. These screws have a knurled plastic head and offer distinct benefits over standard metal thumb screws.
It has a strong grip and is simple to use, allowing for quick and easy tightening or loosening by hand. The knurled texture improves the user's ability to apply torque without using other tools, making them perfect for tasks requiring frequent adjustments.
Commonly used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and furniture manufacturing. They are especially suitable in situations that need a non-metallic connection since the plastic head protects sensitive or polished surfaces.
These Thumb Screws with a Plastic Round Knob are fasteners in various applications requiring manual tightening or loosening. These screws have a circular knob shape of strong plastic, providing a pleasant and ergonomic grip for effortless hand operation. Additionally, the plastic design offers advantages such as corrosion resistance, electrical insulation, and lightweight qualities.
The rounded knob design enables quick and easy adjustments without additional tools. The knob's smooth surface provides a pleasant grip, making it simple to tighten or loosen the screw as needed. Suitable for use in electrical enclosures, computer hardware, or any other application where electrical components must be protected while remaining safe.
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