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Guma Bez závitu Samolepiace

 (4 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Samolepiace disky na čelá prírub

Adhesive Raised Face Flange Protectors has an easy peel-and-stick design. It is resistant to o-zone, weather, fuel, oil, and non-oxidizing acids. Can withstand temperatures ranging from -15C up to +70C.

  • Chrániče príruby so zvýšeným povrchom sú lepiace podložky a majú jednoduchý dizajn na odlepenie a nalepenie.
  • ‌Špeciálne lepidlo za normálnych podmienok pevne drží a nezanecháva žiadne zvyšky.
  • Vhodné pre špecifikácie prírub DIN a ANSI.
Materiál: Guma Farba: Čierna Skupina SR: SR1361

Guľôčkové dopravné jednotky Float-on

Our Float-On Castors are designed for use in wet and dry conditions. They ensure smooth movement of delicate or polished flat materials. The balls are availble in two matieral and colour options. The red polyurethane (Shore A 90-95) ball is more hardwearing. The black rubber (Shore A 80-85) us for most other applications. The height is adjustable making these very practical. Features a BZP stem. Right or left hand orientation options are available to suit your needs. Comes either fully or partially assembled, and also available in a 'ball only' option.

Samolepiace protišmykové podložky

Self-adhesive bumpers provide cushioning and protection for an array of surfaces, across many applications.

The range includes black adhesive discs with a single-sided foam that has anti-skid properties. Available in packs of four that are either on a roll or on a pad, these versatile discs are designed to bond to many surfaces including; corrugated card, chipboard, wood, low surface energy plastics and powder coats.

Also included are anti-slip pads that are made from PE Foam tape, featuring a silicone coated paper liner. These are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -29C up to 66C.

  • Rubber adhesive
  • Permanent solution
  • Black finish.

Skupina SR: SR5808

Samolepiace disky

Made from black rubber, these Stick-On Discs are self-adhesive and are suitable for smooth and dry surfaces. They are slip resistant and will not leave scuff marks when removed.

  • Available in various diameter sizes
  • Is removable.

Skupina SR: SR1577