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Hliník Zatlačením Zvárané

 (2 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Arch Shape Pull Handles are lightweight and provide a clean finish. This range of handles includes many different sizes and styles to suit a wide range of applications including; electrical and machining, cabinet making, and others. As well as serving a host of sectors, such as; hospitality, health care, transport services, manufacturing and more.

The range features ergonomic options and options that are more geared toward heavy duty applications, like machine applications. The many styles and forms of these pull handles benefit from a wealth of properties such as; impact resistance, stability, weather and UV resistance - this means the range is highly flexible and versatile in not only how they are used, but also in where.

  • Material: PA, Nylon, Reinforced Polyamide Based Technopolymer
  • Colour: Black, Orange, Grey, Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, White
  • Front and Rear mounting options

Skupina SR: SR5587, SR5586

Okrúhle zátky so závitom

Round Threaded Inserts are quick-fit inserts for tube ends and connecting pipes, designed for secure screw fixing. Provides a stable and secure mounting point for various furniture and equipment components.

  • Sú k dispozícii vo forme rýchlomontážnych vložiek.
  • Ideálne na spojky profilov a spájanie potrubí.
  • Využívajú sa vo výrobnom, baliacom a v stavebnom priemysle.
Materiál: Oceľ, Polyetylén HD, Polyetylén LD, PA6, PP, PA, Hliník Farba: Prírodná, Čierna Skupina SR: SR1430, SR1570, SR1567