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Nehrdzavejúca oceľ Zatlačením Self Tapping

 (4 sady výrobkov)

Zoznam Mriežka

Madlá - oblúkové, plastové

Oblúkové madlá sú ľahké a poskytujú štýlovejšiu ergonomickú povrchovú úpravu. Sortiment ponúka výber typu montáže z prednej alebo zadnej strany.

Paletový podstavec

Nízkoprofilové paletové podstavce, ktoré sa často nazývajú navarovacie nožičky. Sú vhodné na štandardné klzáky s kovovou základňou a poskytujú dodatočnú pevnosť a ochranu.

Materiál z mäkkej ocele chráni podlahy a pomáha znižovať hlučnosť, zároveň uzatvára a chráni kovovú základňu.

Pri použití štvorcových profilov s ostrými rohmi bude max. rozmer stĺpika menší. Tento sortiment paletových podstavcov je ideálny pre kovové palety a plošiny.

  • Možnosť stohovania.


This range of standoffs are easy to install thanks to their screw in design. They are suitable for a wide range of applications and are available in both non-undercut and undercut versions. Non-undercut spacers offer greater stability but require a washer for installation. Undercut spacers are much quicker to install, allow spacers to be stacked and don't require the use of a washer. They are also available in self-tapping types for mating with unthreaded fittings. They come in several materials and lengths.

Skupina SR: SR2702

Ventilačné zátky

Vent Plugs are innovative and versatile plugs designed to provide effective sealing solutions while allowing controlled ventilation in a wide range of applications. These plugs are engineered to excel in industries such as automotive, electronics, and manufacturing, where pressure differentials or temperature variations may occur. With their unique characteristics and numerous benefits, Vent Plugs offer a reliable solution to seal openings and regulate airflow.

One of the main characteristics of Vent Plugs is their high-quality construction. These plugs are typically made from durable materials such as rubber or silicone, ensuring excellent sealing performance and long-lasting durability. They feature a compact design with a secure fit, preventing air, moisture, and contaminants from entering or escaping the sealed space. Additionally, Vent Plugs are designed with integrated venting features, allowing controlled ventilation while maintaining a reliable seal. This venting capability is essential in applications where pressure equalization or temperature regulation is crucial to prevent damage or malfunctions.

  • Material: Stainless Steel, PA
  • Colour: Natural, Grey, Black, White, Brass
  • Material Flammability Standard: UL94 V-2

Skupina SR: SR6260, , SR1086, SR1868, SR1866, SR1708